Emily's Eye Shading

Hello folks, I’m a beginner on Cycles and rendering. So, I’m learning basics on Emily Wikihuman project and I completed skin material and shading thanks to tutorials but I couldn’t find any tutorial for eye materials and shading of Emily.

Can someone help me for it ? If you share nodes I can try to make it same. Thanks find advance :slightly_smiling_face:

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Selam Halil :slight_smile:
I think you need a “base color” texture for the top image texture node. (Right now it seems to have a bump texture for both). Also change Specular and Roughness values to 0.5 as a starting point. Then tweak slowly as needed. Generally when you import an fbx file principled BSDF reads those values like that which is wrong.

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For Blender usage, the eye is a bit messed up. It is constructed as an actual Human Eye, where the outer faces of the eyeball fold inside at the pupil and create the inner eye.

Importing the.OBJ you get the textures assigned, but they are not complete…if you look at your textures…Eye-Outer-Blend is actually the eye-Cornea and wet parts, as far as a blender file is concerned…The only way I can see for now is to add a seam around the center of the pupil and then manually selecting the inner faces and separating them so that you can apply the inner and outer textures…I did try using blend modes to get both on the eyeball but without an alpha mask, it makes things difficult…

Someone else might give us a better way of getting around this…for your basic eye shaders…
Eye Outer Blend should be transparent and specular Gloss.
Eye-Inner is the Iris ( but will not include the blood vessels as the outer texture does not give you the iris as well as the inner…) and doing it this way the pupil will reflect light as it has a light color from the eye texture and not a dark…lighting along won’t add the shadow…!!


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Selam hocam :slight_smile:
I made some changes on Eyes_inner material according to @RSEhlers nodes screenshot. I think we still need to improve it for more realistic looks :slight_smile: Thanks anyway, it’s even better than previous one. I must work on Eyes_outer material too for better looks. But there is not any tutorial for emily eyes shading, interesting :man_facepalming:t2:

It all looks good, your bump map is way too strong, should turn it down to strength at about .45 and distance about .02…One thing I forgot to mention was I split all the mesh down to loose parts, and it gave me more control over the textures…if you use the Alembic import it is split by textures ( but not the eye…I don’t know how it can work by just single mesh and all textures applied but I see it works in Maya…but then they are importing a scene file…so it may have the inner eye as a group.

Here is the result in the collection…

also, I was just using Eevee for my screen shot…

PS. Here is what I used for the eyes outer material ( Cornea/wetness )

You can get far more complicated with your nodes and I have seen glass shaders used but I prefer this one without the IOR… I see others are also using Fresnel in their skin shader, I am not sure about that one either…

Now your skin shader…it looks like you have the displacement inverted…and also maybe too strong, it should look like pores and not acne. Here is a simple skin that I used for my example…

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Thanks man, after last updates thanks to your nodes it’s better now :slight_smile:

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And finally @pixelgrip shared his emily shading nodes in his thread and my final result here :


Well, that is GREAT, only I just spent a while working it up this AM. I see that there is an outer blend ramp in his outer eye shader, and that is exactly what I created…I saw that they talked about it but figured it was something in Maya, which I have but never use. Here it is just in case someone wants it…I need to go back to the site and see how I missed getting the ramp as well as the displacement mask…somehow I never downloaded them…as they are not in the texture folder…