Emissive material not visible through glass on Eevee?

Hi there i’ve been playing around in eevee with frosted glass and diffusers for lights. I seem to be running into an issue whereby the emissive material is being occluded by the glass shader at a certain point.

I’m not sure if this is a limitation of rasterization over ray tracing but it just seems to cutoff when the camera gets to a particular point (see cycles render fot the result I am after).

i’ve tried adjusting the refraction settings and adding in reflection cubemap but doesn’t seem to help, has anyone run into similar issues?

any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you

Did you try changing the Blend Mode in the Material Settings? And also when using refractive material in EEVEE, apart from enabling the refraction in the Screen Space Relection properties, you have to go ahead and individually enable Screen Space Refraction in the material settings for each refractive object for the background objects to be visible through.

These tutorials from cgvirus could give you some idea.

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Thanks yeah I tried those options but it didn’t help change the results unfortunately, this thread seems to solve it though:

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Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Even I don’t use glass shader’s in EEVEE. Actually neither in Cycles as well. I mostly do archviz, so I use a custom fake glass shader. It’s a mix of Transparent and Glossy shaders with fresnel and some lightpath masks.

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