I try to make an action in the game engine, so that on an object is a material, and on this material I set keyframes, for emit it 0-2, and it is working goed until I save and quit blender. When I reload the file, the emit keyframes are ther in the timeline, but it doesn’t work anymore. If I change the emit strength and replace the keyframe, it is working again.
Please if anyone know, how to properly save those keyframes, comment.
Mirror|rorriM Yes, all animations are start with frame 0.
I tried what you writed, but no luck. After reload the file, I have to go to the object material tab and click on emit arrows, one of them, left or right, doesen’t mather witch, then it works again.
Hmm good question, no idea what causes this, i tried your blend, and recreated it in a new one, same result the action stops playing after reloading, very strange.
Hmm, well, I tried doing what you did Andreweas for changing the emit properties, and saving the blend file, and it worked for me.
(i.e change emit to 0.01 without creating a new keyframe, save the blend file, and reload. That should work I think. But I don’t know if you care about that extra 0.01. I think it might also work if you press “left” on the emit settings and save the blend file, but I’m not so sure about that.)
Thank you Mirror|rorriM It worked this way, and no, I don’t care about the 0.01 emit. Yes it can be a bug, but it is ok. Thanks for everyone. Happy blending!