Endi's Free Short Film Storyboards

I share my short film ideas here. On this page you can find them:


Now there are only 2, but I will update the page with more.
Below the images there are the links to Google documents.

I like the idea of creating storyboards as slideshows and share them online like that so you can watch!

The first one (“The End”) was interesting with a nice idea.
The second one (“The Spiral”) felt like it didn’t have a story at all. I didn’t really see a point to it, except pretty images, but that would get very boring very fast. Or perhaps I have missed something? :slight_smile:

Anyway, keep up the good work! I look forward to your new short film ideas.

Huh, this is actually an awesome idea. I’ve been wanting to try out creating a short film but I’m not the most creative person and can never think of a good plot.

I too look forward to more ideas. :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing these. :slight_smile:

Nice work Endi. Very creative as usual.