ok, i have this idea for a short animation, and i need sort of like energy clouds that move around the weapons, ( i couldnt find any pictures of what i mean, but if anyone has seen the final fantasy 7 movie, what i mean is when they use materia, or when sephiroh (not sure i spelled this right:S) transforms the double blade into his odachi when he awakens, and cloud comes from above with the new buster sword)
my question is, how would i go about to create this energy cloud effect that is around the blades or arms when they use materia, it would be awesome since its the effect that i am looking for.
for something like that all you would need are the 2 weapons both with an alpha mat and particles as the transition energy (but particle energy doesnt look as cool)
I use a cloud of vertices to pull off energy clouds, it is pretty easy, gives a really good look, and its just like particles but with more control. There is a link to a script to generate clouds of vertices in the tutorial section under the “starfield with nebula” in case you want to try it. Its actually pretty easy. Just apply halos to the particles , you can even apply a particle system to the vertices if you want and can have particles spawn from the vertices as you rotate or scale them during the animation.
this is the shot right after the energy was around the sword but the burst IIRC has a similar look to what was around the sword. It seems to me that an animated texture is what would be needed for this effect, probably a marble texture.
If you haven’t seen the movie, you can go to G1X.org for some fan music videos, some of them contain the clips for examples.
does anyone know how this was made? maybe this could be used since it has teh movement that i am sort of like looking for, also raytracing might also work for this.
so yeah, thanks for allt he feedback, i hope that this will eventually develope into something fruitful:)
Now that I think about it, you might want to check out Cogfilms. He has a portal and swipe tutorial that might be adapted. http://www.cogfilms.com/index.html
The image you posted was IIRC an example of particle deflection. Probably more complicated than this but mostly a stream of particles hiting a deflector with a set dampening with a lens flare at the collision site. Aner would be the one to get ahold of for specifics on that one. I never had much luck in getting particles to work the way i wanted.
thanks, i looked at CogFilms but i didnt had any luck about getting hte transition wips to work. when i first started this, htats the first place i look (very awesome stuff:) ) however then i though particles might be better. who knows, currently im testing an animated mesh that has animated procedural textures, i like what i have so far, will post once i have the colour adjustments correct:) but yeah, if anyone has further ideas, plz dont stop to post, there is always room for improvement:)
I have lapped the Advents Children movie completely , and from whatever i know of the scene when Sephiroth awakens and also when Cloud does Ominslash , you would be really better off using those few Frames and using a form of Composition or something like that (photoshop / Gimp) to create that . The Motion hardly lasts for less than 1-2 secs , and messing with particles will really make it more time consuming and heavy on the rendering process wont it ?? From whatever i know of Square and FF VII : AC , a Major amount of compositing was used in order to get teh effects they needed…