This is my first post, I have to wait for permission to use some backplates.
Meanwhile, this is a teaser of the final project;)
I hope you enjoy it.
Can anyone guess which car is hiding under the flag?
It’s my car. After owning one for 38 years I know that shape intimately. It’s a Series 1 E-Type Jaguar OTS (open two seater) of course.
E-Type, and looks awesome! And wow, Bobb. I’ve only seen 2 or 3 in my life, congrats on owning one, you must be a happy person!
Gosh darnit I was hoping to beat everyone to saying an E-Type Jaguar -.- oh well. It looks great! Excited to see the final result
Great Men!!! Everyone guess it!! I did not think it was so simple!!:eyebrowlift2:
Thanks Imprezza. It’s not a big deal and I’m not rich. I bought her in the 70’s when there was still plenty of them around and they where by no means expensive. Mine was eight years old when I got her and cost the same as a used Honda Civic. I’m an aircraft technician by trade and can do all my own work. Parts are quite reasonably priced too…other then the no-longer-made bits of trim and knic-knacs. Thankfully the car is complete. With the American economy (still) in the toilet I’ve been stocking up on stuff through eBay. I have a dozen complete engine gasket sets bought for peanuts and boxes of other bits that I don’t need (yet) but couldn’t afford to not buy. The vast bulk of European cars where exported to North America making them scarce (and expensive) in Europe.
I actually like the render with the flag … adds some mystery Looking forward to seeing the unveiling. And Bob that’s one bad ass looking ride, take good care of her.
I really like your teaser render.
Especially this textile texture in front of the lights.
This one should already earn you a spot in the Gallery
Way cool.
Where are you from Bob!?!?!?! I would like to to hear her sound!! Amazing car!! Man, I envy you so much!!
Also your work seems to be cool!! Now I’m so scared to show the final result!!
Congrats Bob!!
Thank you so much Impreza!! I loved your entry for the Bguru competition, I followed the contest, congratulations on your victory. I hope you will like the end result, you are an expert in modeling car.
@@harleynut97: Thank you all for your comments and your support!!! I hope to be able to meet your expectations!!
How do you do with this cloth shader!