English Patriot (flag)

Representation of the english flag showing my support for the world cup :slight_smile:

great use of 3d. I like it; it appears made of paper.

Thanks, any other flags you think I should try?

oh, the english flag, not UK…got confused there for a moment.

interesting design! :smiley:

thats cool! i like the way it feels…

That’s really great, well done. Geometrically interesting, and a good sense of power. Unlike our football team.

Looks nice :slight_smile: What I like about it is the smooth gradient between soft warms in the geometry. Are the peices solidified? Could we see the texture and lighting?

These are very basic materials, there is one lamp used. The red ‘light’ or gradients are from compositing. Il upload an image a bit later…

Very nice abstract representation of your flag. Shame the team have been so bad, although they could beat Slovenia today and scrape through!

Here is the composition with the original image in the top right. This isn’t exactly the same piece as I first used OSX preview to change the colour levels a bit but its very close.
