Engraved Pen

its to help me get better at blending with experience.

I will work on the shine on the cd, its kinda too bright.

I dont like the scissors at all, I’m thinking about removing them altogether.

Maybe replace it with a big eraser

but I will try one more time to bring those scissors into my heart so im not giving up!

ok here it is, I’ve changed the handle of the scissors.

Whoa,I just noticed my scissors are floating so I will fix that in the next update.

The scissors do look better right?

they looks slightly better. I like the texture on the CD but to me it looks like it is floating because of the shadow. And I think someone mentioned making it a bit thicker so it doesn’t look paper thin.

o yea… I’ll get to work making it thicker.

And I assure you the CD is leaning on something, and you can see a small fraction of it.

If you want I can just lay it on the paper flat… if you think that will look better

ok. i saw the little red thing. I had to scroll my window over a bit. Maybe you could put it on the paper more so it makes a little bit more sense. quickly looking at it it looks like it is floating.

The cd is now flat, But it looks very weird…

Now taht i compare it, it seems a bit darker than the others.

I changed my light setup on this one, so is it good or bad?

bumpy, to the rescue!

I think you are starting to beat a dead horse. Sometimes with art it is hard to know when to say your finished. I think because this is only for practice you should start a new project and try to apply things you’ve learned from this one to that one. Then with that new project you might learn something new that you can come back to this image and work it. Personally if it were me that is what I’d do - start another project.

Stupid horse :frowning: