Enough with the Shift + C + Alt + Control nonsense, is there a way to manually visually move the pivot point like in 3DS Max?

Enough with the Shift + C + Alt + Control nonsense, is there a way to manually visually move the pivot point like in 3DS Max ?

No, I don’t want to Shift + S to center the cursor to the center of selection and then Shift + C + Alt + Control ->Cursor to selected

No I don’t want to Shift + C to move cursor to origin and then Shift + C + Alt + Control to move pivot there.

I want to hate Blender a little less and manually move the pivot like what you would do in 3DS max when you click “Affect Pivot only”.

Is there a plugin for this ? I would pay for this function.

maybe use this one here? It uses an empty to do what you apparently miss.


… & 3D cursor for Pivot point you haven’t used?

I’ll try it out.
Are you the creator of the plugin ?

Contact makers on their respective sites.

“Barrel rolling loud, carries no substance.”

Simply, mark as solved… and have a great blend :wink:

I have no idea what you intend to communicate through by stating that.

Oh by the way, to those reading this thread, the Pivot Pro plugin doesn’t solve the issue, the plugin need you to turn on vertex snapping [for example] and then you double click to snap the working pivot there.

The best solution is the reply from myclay with the link to the video “BS - Blender Modify Pivot Addon - Tutorial”, thank you myclay :smiley: