Enter The World of Narnia

Hi :smiley:,

For a competition organized by Nvidia France and a Numerama magazine, where the theme was an ideal winter, the participants had to create a scene entirely in Blender.

I decided to make Narnia, that takes me back to my childhood, with fantastic creatures, a beautiful winter landscape, and adventure !

So, I sculpted Aslan, and I made his fur. The grass, rocks and low wall are by Megascan. The trees were made with the free Blender addon: Sapling Tree Gen and the mountains with ANT Landscape. The fogs was made with a smoke simulation.

I retouched with Photoshop for fun:


It looks really good. The narnia books and films are fantastic. I havent read the entire series but I love the movies. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you !

Amazing work! :clap:

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Thanks ! :hugs:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:


Thank you to for the featured row.
Just, there is a mistake on Facebook, it says “by Muhammad Irfan”, and it’s not me. Can you change the name please ?

Done! Looks like Facebook tried to be ‘smart’…


Thank you !!!

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Beautiful work! I shared your render with the r/Narnia community. :lion:r/Narnia

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thank you for sharing :hugs: