Erick sculptember fun

#sculptember day 17: just an other head, i believe i finding those bones and muscle but still need work.
Time: about 1 hour

#sculptember day 18: The day 16 head got a body, tomorrow will work on hand and legs.
Time: about 1 hour.

#sculptember day 19: full body, kind of all the pieces are there may be later i will fix proportion and other things.
Time: less 1 hour

#sculptember day 20: dragon horse. really had fun with this one. Just for fun i use alpha map in dyntopo LOL
Time: less than 1h30min

#sculptember day 22: Creature box another sculpt. this is last year January sculpt that i had more form and cut.
Time: 2 hours

#Sculptember day 23: head from memory
Time: 30 min

#sculptember day 24: dragon got a body. Testing GSOC 2017 silhouette, now it is much smoother.
Time: less than 1h30.

Here is a short video about the process

#sculptember day 25: dragon secondary forms. it needs more refinements.
Time: about 2 hours.

#sculptember day 26: caricature cow
Time: less than 2 hours

#sculptember day 27: female. It would unfair to sculpt whole male and not female.
Time: more than 2 hours, i was tired when sculpting this, i could not feel my strokes. Let see tomorrow

#sculptember day 28: My yesterday female sculpt was called old man with boobs without nipples LOL. I will call it like that as well
Time: about 2 hours more fun than yesterday sculpt.

#sculptember day 29: inspired by the cartoonish Bulldog by Preston Blair. This was fun but no time to work further on it today.
Time: 1 hour

#sculptember day: 30 Last day indeed this is my masterpiece, if you cannot see it look closer. Post below what you see.
Time: 30 days

Finally got some free time to upload this video, day 1

Yep another one Sculptember 2017 day- 3 video

Day 4 video :slight_smile:

Day 5 video, pretty bad quality

Day 7 croco :slight_smile:

Day 8 sculptember 2017, this is way WIP