Erindale packing video question - Transfer attribute vs Sample Index

I’m working through this packing video by Erindale, great stuff. It is shown working for Blender 3.3. I think I’m doing something slightly wrong for 3.4. I’m using sample index node instead of transfer attribute, which was a change in 3.4.

I can’t seem to pull out the captured attributes that were sampled and stored anonymously on the instances collection. I’m about to try store named attribute instead of anonymous attributes, but honestly I still don’t understand enough about instances and attributes to even ask the right questions.

Many thanks, Brian

A partial answer anyway… I captured them on the point domain, so need to sample them on the point domain. Besides, after realize instances I don’t have instances any longer. But then I need to capture them on the instance domain for the collection, and sample them from there. Not sure how to choose the correct domain so the values flow through, or when instance domain is the correct domain to use. Cheers, Brian