Errol the Discworld Dragon


i got stuck with my other project and so I decided to
model something I wanted to start for a long time, but nerver felt
experienced enough,
it’s Errol the little Swamp-Dragon out of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld Novels.

I’m trying to model this little cute thing on a reference material done by Paul Kidby,
i hope he can exuse the work on his material without his approval.

It’s only a start, the head is missing the teeth, eye-lids the small hairs but i’ve just modelled for 2 hours right now. Tell me what you think.

Funny guy… discworld dragons are all a bit… “special” … :smiley:

That was an awesome book. XD Are you going to do that bit at the end?

I’m planning to model him complete and give him a rig yes

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Cor, I’m a fan of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld too! It’d be great to see this one rigged and animated (and flying at supersonic speeds too :wink: ). One thing though, I thought his scales were sort of silvery in the book? I think Pratchett had meant it to be somewhat chrome perhaps (which I reckon didn’t exist in DW hence the silvery description).

Edit: I tried looking it up in Guards! Guards! and the DW Companion but couldn’t find a colour description in both. Paul Kidby’s The Art of Discworld protrays him as a sort of mossy green though, so I reckon I must’ve been mistaken.

Yes i’m trying to give it the Paul Kidby style, it’s one of the cutest drawings i’ve ever seen, but i’ll do the basic modeling at first, then i’ll redefine with sculpting i think and then i hopefully have enough time to paint the textures :smiley:

Heres a litle about with some teeth thrown in

I’ve applied a 1024 x 1024 to each tooth done by UV Mapping, and i have to say LOL that
was kind of breaking a butterfly on a wheel ha ?

thats awsom

I think you meant the silvery dragons on the moon which were found when Rincewind and Leonardo of Quirm flew over the edge of the world to reach Cori Celesti to the the old Barbarians in “The Last Hero” or in german called “Wahre Helden”.

is that the swamp dragon that’s in the old Saturn game? it looks good, needs texturing ovesilay.
terry patches books are asome!

it does look amazing, keep up the good work!

This is a very strange thing, but I like it. Keep it up. Are you going to do full texturing?

Yes i plan to do, and i think it wil be handdrawn to keep the comic style