Escher inspired WC #112

I was looking at some LEGO Escher work on the net this morning, and when I saw this weeks challenge I was inspired.

Here’s what I have so far…

Still need to work on the shadow settings, and the most difficult part…modeling a hand holding a pencil(far left, will be drawing the sketch)

CnC appreciated

nice concept, good luck on the hand, though

And how exactly does this relate to the challenge theme?

I think it relates because the manequins are built out of primitive shapes.


It came to me when I thought of Primates.

I imagine we’ve all seen the chart which shows the progression of a chimp evolving to a human, this is a creative representation of how ideas come to life.

Some will get it, some will not. Regardless, it’s how I chose to tackle this weeks theme.

The theme is Primitives, not Primates.


Some will get it, some will not. Regardless, it’s how I chose to tackle this weeks theme.

You were right.

Heh, to me it shows progression from “primitive” to modern, 2d to 3d, frog to ape to man, etc, etc.

Very cool.

Here’s what I’ve managed to come up with for now. If I get more time this weekend I’ll spend some more time on the hand.

Looks good, I really like the concept.