How could we have overlooked Cristian Hasbun’s WEED add-on which contains: eagle view, code tree, code file explorer, autocomplete, debugger, breakpoints, popup API navigator, popup icon viewer, popup find/replace, in breakpoint, stack, variables, interpreter for the Text Editor?
He was doing a lightning talk in 2019 about them here(at: 46.48):
The add-on lives here, but needs an update for 2.8+:
From the WEED add-on, here’s a pop-up Find & Replace for 2.8+. This could be a starting point if someone would like to add operators for a fully industry-standard Find & Replace pop-up.
@mkbreuer@xan2622 Thanks for the suggestions. Maybe you guys could consider having a go at making add-ons which do what you’re suggesting and share them here?
I do have something in the works for line number selection:
Also started working on line bookmarking a while back, but I still need to find a reliable solution to uniquely identify lines. Storing line indices isn’t good enough and the line pointer is only valid until undo/redo, which then gets remapped.
Jose Conseco made an alternate version of the ‘Intellisense for the Blender Text Editor’ add-on, where you press Ctrl + Space for word completion suggestions and the pop-up have a search-bar.
What doesn’t seem to work is the selection of multiple words (even across several lines) from location A (inside a line or at the beginning of the line) to location B (elsewhere, inside another line or at the end of the line) with SHIFT+Left Click. video
I’ve added triple click line selection. Can probably add quadruple click to select all text.
Those other features in the video are already implemented (range selection). I’m working on joining highlight occurrences into the same addon, then I’ll probably let you all test things!
It’s all python. I’m trying to avoid using too much ctypes since it somewhat narrows backward compatibility, but in case of the tabs (really needed the middle-click to close) it’s unavoidable since ui elements aren’t exposed in the api.
I just upload my scripts here from time to time, but haven’t pushed any updates lately since I’ve been working on consolidating everything text editor related into one addon (almost 3500 lines :P) which is getting its own repo.