Eve Online Corporation Poster

Been designing a corporation poster for a game I play called Eve Online, using models from the game…

Really wanted to see how well cycles handled space scenes, espically with effects and what not… so far, quite impressed. (With cycles ablities, not mine lol)

Could definitely use some feedback and input on the engine flares and trails… I like the almost cartoonie style I’m aiming towards, but they dont look right yet to me.

^^^ After some more playing about … still hating the engine trails and flares though.

I like them and the way you’ve got the effects.

The omega symbol looks odd though, as though it was stuck on the models.

Hehe, very good man. I use to play eve, fun… addicting… lol. We made posters by taking screenshots with like a blown up station in the background, etc, since the game engine is pretttttyyyy dang good as far as graphics go.

@ Writer’s Block … yeah not 100% happy with those symbols either, also… I just realised, I got them upside down … what a pro

There’s an up and down in space? :slight_smile:

LOL good point, i’ll use that excuse if anyone asks :smiley:

Bit more work on the flares and some compositing stuff… (not to mention a ‘fix’ for my upside down logo texturing :D)

Looks much better, mainly the uooer right omega logo; the left still looks wrong and the lower one could do with some tweaking, but the overall look of the image is very good.