Evee next and volumetrics, not there yet?

Tested eevee next a bit,
Classroom scene, added a cube and used volumetric material, but no luck…
So…probably not there yet…
#105672 - EEVEE-Next Volume Rendering - blender - Blender Projects

Eevee Next has been delayed and is still experimental due to many known problems and missing functionality.


Thanks, yes…I would suspect that, early stages.
Testing render quality and speed, it´s pretty nice for those sample scenes I tested, but I need to test it more.

What I find troublesome is the time it takes to switch to and start eevee next, and seemingly how it loads the stuff to the graphics card or something, I mean…it can be very slow to get going.
Once they git rid of that it will be more fun to test…if possible without boosting up the graphics card.

Would love to test how volumetrics will be handled.

Eevee can not use the Nishita sundisc either, and not Eevee next, that is something I really would like to have working with the “realtime” engines, for now…only cycles will do that properly.