Even distributed image: UV mapping for a double curve


I want to make a test by applying an image to a chair (Panton Chair: https://www.vitra.com/en-us/product/panton-chair-classic ) that as a curved shape. The image should be even multiplied trough the surface like it was glued to the chair, but I can’t find a way to do it. Which UV mapping options should I use? Is it want I want even possible with this kind of shape?

I have attached a screenshot and the data file.

File: https://www.amazon.com/clouddrive/share/TaWFWoOqks51rqt1j2Q4D7kkSe7mJBr28rbrWwgRDwb

Shape is ok. Mesh producing this shape is not. Unless you find a way to convert this to more or less quad- like without inverted normals and ton of what was double verts for Blender defaults - no go.
If you had quad mesh - Follow Active Quad would give acceptable result. Ofc you realize irl material would be a bit stretched to form this.
Rename file to zip and unpack. For some reason Blender’s internal packer does not work.

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Thank you for your time.
I understand that you use the command “Face” to make the squares, but I didn’t find how do you applied the UV map so that the image more or less follows the path of the chair.

A print-screen of your File, just so others can see it:

Hi, the topology on this model is horrible. Judging from the names of empty objects in the scene, this was converted from a nurbs object in rhino. From what I’ve heard, that type of process sometimes produces bad topology. You ideally want to work with a quad based mesh in blender because that makes adding and selecting loops easier. I used the remove doubles command on the chair, but there is some bad geometry on the rim at the top of the chair.

If I understood you correctly, then you don’t need to redo this uv map, you just need to scale and re position the UVs in the UV image editor, and set the texture to clip:

If you need the rest of the chair to be another color, then you can use the alpha of the texture as a factor in the mix color mode to place the image on top of another color or texture. Just make sure the picture of the A is set to clip, or it won’t work like a mask:

Here is the blend file:Chair V7 - adjusted.blend (1.2 MB)

Edit: I almost forgot to mention that you can paint the texture where you need it by using it as a texture in a brush. If you needed the A to be tilted while on top of another texture, then that might be the best way to do it without having to use two UVmaps.

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From the mesh - select one face which is close to square by shape, unwrap, align UV verts x, y so that unwrap is, well, perfect.
Next, select all mesh - A key and unwrap again using Follow Active Quad. Note that the first unwrapped face should be active in the selection. That’s all to it. You can play with parameter numbers but defaults usually are fine.

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I will probably only have time for this project next weekend, but I will give news of (un)success.

Thank you very much for your time.