Event Horizon Update #7

thank you but i have been having problems with integrating bullet. i need to work on the legs and arms. but what is wrong with gun on top? the arms are suppose to be cannons . the little indentations on both sides are going to be missle launchers.

here is a fiexed version at least is it what you were wanting?

The mech’s top is good. But I think the toes still look too small. Also, are you going to bend the legs later on? They look kinda weird when they’re straight.

so where did you come up with that design for you “Mech”…?
and is your heart set on using that design?

Again, I HIGHLY recommend you not use subsurf. Look at the poly count between you two images. The non-subsurfed model is nearly 600 polys, whereas the subsurfed one is about 9500. Big difference. Besides that, I have the same comments as others people.

Just a note: for us on dialup, it is a serious pain when you post gigantic scrennshots, since they take an incredibly log time to load, and they eat up our bandwidth.

Yeah. Subsurf has a tendency to increase the poly count by A LOT. Don’t use it.

It seems that you are trying to make a game model here. I have yet to see a game model that has used subsurfacing, though that is not to say that it is necessary to avoid that.

You need to slow down and do this right if you want to get good results. You are skipping some very necessary steps. If you hope to get some good results, then I suggest you follow my advice here.

The first step is design. Lets start with the mech. I know this is a game, and realism is not necessary, but you need believability. Look at those legs. Does this guy look right when he’s walking? When he isn’t walking, does he look like he is even capable?

My suggestion is to take a break from this, go back, and and work on the design. Look specifically on the design of the legs.

It seems to me that you’re new to this. Don’t get discouraged. Everyone here giving you critique, including those that may sound harsh, are doing so with the goal of helping you succeed. We were all newbies once. If you follow the advice of everyone here, you’ll be able to rival the guys on cgtalk. But if you keep ignoring all of the advice that is given to you, as you so far have done, then you’ll spin your wheels endlessly and never go anywhere.

I must admit, I am guilty of sounding harsh, but like ToastBusters said, it really is to help you out. I was in your positions once too, and if I didn’t recieve critisism on my work, I would have been stuck a long ways back. I don’t mean to sound harsh, but I’m giving you a way to improve your mesh, and your work in general.

i dont have acess to a computer on the weekend except sunday.
Danielkuan:i know but if i make the toes much bigger they will join.
CornDog: i made my mechs “blueprints” with gimp and paint. and mousekeys
Dim:sorry my computer is set to 1600 by 1200. ill stop subsurfing it. honestly you dont sound harsh to me.
ToastBusters: the legs are designed like this to allow it from seeming to fall forward but i get your point. ill work on it some more.

To be honest, I’d redesign the whole lower half, below the torso. I’d probably use canine-like legs. Check out a pic here: http://www.lowchensaustralia.com/health/dogskeleton.gif

but make the legs heavier and more extreme angles

have you played MechWarrior?

Yeah, I have to ask. Have you ever played mechwarrior before? Are you trying to make this game like the Battletech series or like the Japanese Mecha (Gundam).

but then how will it walk?

Remodel the legs then. In fact, you might want to remodel a lot of the mech. There are some unnecessary polys on it anyway. And follow everyone else’s advice. It’s good… mmm…

tasers r tasty:i have played mechwarrior and battletech and it is suppose to be like them. i hvae heard of gundam but never watched it.

Well, are the legs supposed to be like a human’s or a bird’s, because both types are featured in Mechwarrior.

i was going forr bird

is this any better?

Well, all I have to say is that the legs hae to be repositioned to look like a Vulture’s. Right now with the straight legs, it just looks kinda odd.

the vultures legs are like this right
