EVGA contest update...

Hello fellow blender users.
About a month ago, I announced i would be trying out in the evga video contest.

If you are interested, this is my submission: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsceAUYpvF8&feature=channel_page

All composition was done in blender, + sequencing. If you enjoy it, leave a comment or rate it 5/5. Its not my best attempt at all, but I wanted it to look simple.

If you really wanna help me, you can go here: http://www.youtube.com/group/evgadecade#play/all/0/HsceAUYpvF8

and click “I love it” 1 to 15 times. And view what i am up against, (people who pawned me most likely)


Wait, isn’t asking people to cast multiple votes kind of cheating?

Just asking…

Of what use is a voting system that lets you vote more than once?

It is not based on votes, but voted more will help it be noticed, youtubes new chanel alows voting, and gives you a total of 15 votes, you can spen them all, then go back and vote some more 15 mins later, but i don’t think they intended for people to spend all 15 on 1, so they should fix that.

but ya, its not based on that anyways, i just wanted to know if anyone liked it.

Your’s definitely looked like one of the top entries IMO, i actually thought it had more substance than many of the others which 1 or two of them were very flashy, but didnt’ say anything.

Good luck

Your’s definitely looked like one of the top entries IMO, i actually thought it had more substance than many of the others which 1 or two of them were very flashy, but didnt’ say anything.

Good luck

thank you, it had taken FOREVER to make