evil dude

hi guy’s,

i started modeling this head today.
i wanted to make a ninja dude or something like that, but i don’t think that hair will fit in a ninjasute. anyway, i like the hair so i’ll change my plans
now it will become an evil dude. half ninja, half something else :stuck_out_tongue:


Nice use of the hair system. I like the expression. It kind of reminds of mortal kombat. All the best for the new year & your project.

i started modeling a hood
i’m not sure if it fits with the rest of the character
your opinion please


Put the hood down, show us the crazy hair :slight_smile:

I like the character, but I’m not lovin’ the hood. Maybe continue with the rest of the body before putting a hood and cloak on him.

what about instead of a hood, putting a cape on the character with a hood but with the hood down.

oke, that’s clear, the hood is bad:yes:
so, forget about it :wink:
i made a jacket and shirt, i hope this looks better than the hood
ow, and i also made the arms and hands


I don’t know about the wings on the coat. How evil is he? Is he a fighter or a preacher? The hair says fighter but the winged lapels say preacher. I’d go for some zesty engraved pauldrons.

i think he’s going to be a fighter

i did add a chain on his right arm.
i wonder how i ever am going to rig this, but that’s for later :slight_smile:

wich one is the best? the one with the straight shoulders or the pointy one?


i made the chains a bit bigger and add a wristband for the other arm
(and i’m still wondering whichone is better: pointy or flat shoulders?)


i like the pointy shoulders, just for that “ultimate evil” look. keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

also, the arms look pretty skinny for a fighting ninja dude. does he have no arm muscles?

Looking good. I like the design. Very oddly proportioned hands though.

i fixed the arms, i hope they look better


Yeah I would rework the hands, take a look at my wip it should help you out. and I know triangles lol

but over all looking good keep it up.

and may I ask how you’ve done your hair?


hands always have been my weekest point, i’ll try to improve them

the hair was simple: particle system --> add not to much hairs, make mucht children, let them clumb to the point (so you get spike like hair) --> use particlemode to bend it into the right shape
as for the colour, this are my settings:


his chain is on fire :eek:


This is turning into a kinda prince of Persia with the new chain but soo awesome.

That looks painful (flaming chain).
As for the hands, just look at anatomy reference images on google.
Generally the thumb extrudes from the halfway mark on the palm. The biggest problem with your hands are that the palms and the fingers are way too long.

ok thanks for the hair info. in a bit when I have more time on the computer, if you like I’ll add wire frame pics of my hand for you to use as ref.

I don’t like the red shirt, his arms look all bodybuilder while his chest looks like I don’t know…weak…I suggest remaking the body. And go for a biker style for that hair. Kinda punk/harley davidson. If you get what I mean. Kinda like…