Evil TUX [WIP]

Hello there everybody :slight_smile: Firs post hehe :slight_smile: English is not my native language, so sorry for mistakes. I’ve was reading this forum for a while, and found many answers to my questions here :slight_smile: I’ve been creating my own game, and now I want to show my progress.

Game’s main character is based on image that I found while googling. It’s a penguin/devil. (symbol of linux/debian :slight_smile: ).


The evil tux works in hell and he is good character, bet one night evil angels (they will be the symbol of windows :smiley: ) stoles from his house safe with TUX’s treasures and now he has to chase them through hell/earth/heaven to recover it.

So far I’ve done main character, menu, map, and first level.

windows exe’s:

run “menu.exe”

I’ve a little intro rendered, later will upload it in youtube.

Plese C&C :slight_smile:


The link points to a rar file. Could you plaese upload an exe?

everything is in the rar file :wink:

i got the key then hit all swicthes then passed through those bouncy platforms up to that door was I supposed to do something more to finish the demostration?

and I suggest that maybe you should make the ground separate from the walls or else you can glicth jump infinitive on the walls

I think that you can make the ground separate form the walls by selecting the ground vertices and pressing P and select Selected and you will have to seperated object

then all you gotta do is program jumping when collision to ground

hope this helps

Thnx Jorgie, I’ll fix the floor :wink: Yes that is the end of demosntration, door will lead to the level2

It’s refreshing to have someone actually learn the game engine basics before posting… kudos

Pretty awesome, i’d defiantly look into jumping when collision to the ground as Jorgie said , you can even just hold space and end up rolling on the floor. Other than that is was all done pretty good, I did walk through one of those switches once, that was kind of weird.

It looks well planned, and the lay-out is very nice! Good job, DeRuMi!


Update: Added some enemys (prety stupid enemys :smiley: ), sounds, info in the end of the level. This time only one .exe becouse I’m working on menu now. Please test, c&c.
(most of the souns are from findsounds.com, but some from other games, shame on me :confused: )


Not sure if you wanted/needed more, but here are some sound sites:

Hey thx!

I could use some free sounds.

That’s a one cute game, and that exe works in Linux under Wine!

Aren’t yet possibility to attack enemies?

Attacks are possible.


E-Left Mouse - Right mouse: attack.
Mouse wheel - camera control.