Evolution of Forms

Hello fellows,
This is one of my latest projects related to automotive rendering. The Coupe is been kind of inspiration topic for me for a awhile. Especially I’m really impressed how the form was translating from organic to abstract and really practical one, — 3 — dimensional patterns. In near future I will try to release the second part of it.

Feel free to share and comment.
Best Regards


It looks great. I’m curious about how you made the background.

Thanks @marckiener, the bg is nothing special, just bunch of displacement modifiers, subdiv. For more details look on the attachments below


The final bg Shader is more complex. I created and combined couple of textures some on it.
Blue - texture, basic displacement
Re-Orange /center/ core material - glossy+dif etc…
Magenta - textures

Feel free to ask for anything else.
Best Regards


Commercial grade awesomeness!

Keep up the amazing work!


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Thanks RobertT - much appreciate it!

This will make the top row for sure.

Thanks Gumboots,appreciate it! Actually, it is up to the people and the curators :slight_smile:

Man you rock! big fan of your clean and amazing work

Really nice work, congrats! I love the combination of the realistic and abstract. I’m curious about the shader used on the car in the last two images.

Thanks for the comment @josejose! Appreciate it.

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Thanks @mcurt09,
Hope this previews will help you. Everything is connected to tweaking.
Make sure before you use it, to apply the Scale.


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Hello Guys,
I posted another Series of Renders, continuing on that project Evolution of Forms.
Please feel free to visit, comment or share! :slight_smile:
There is the Link:

I like this style,could be in a magazine

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Thanks! :slight_smile: