Evolving Neural Network Race Cars!

There will be no changes here. just makes the game faster.
here I recommend yesyes

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you can do a cube test, and then see what happens ok

Excellent job, especially that this is still 2.79x. I was looking for stuff to share with my AI associates so I’ll throw this in the mix. They want to tinker with some blender stuff.

I’ll post anything noteworthy. Mainly, a few of us are building a live/active bridge from some AI tools to blender 2.79x…your game will be something fun to play with in that workflow.

Thanks : )

Awsome! Thats what I like to hear, people making use of it! There could be some significant improvements in both the controller.py code and the neural network code, both of which I have in various stages of improving, building towards a decent production level tutorial. Here’s a sneak peak for the improved gfx I was experimenting with for it:


Saweet! That’s good news.