Experiment with Python and Blender 2.81

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Abstract awesomeness! How did you do it? :heart_eyes:

  1. Create letter
  2. Scale five times
  3. Convert to mesh
  4. Add subdivision surface modifier
  5. Add triangulate modifier
  6. Run script
  7. Add lighting how you like
  8. Render image with transparent background
  9. Edit in Photoshop

import bpy
import random

ob = bpy.data.objects["Text"]
me = ob.data

for i in range(0,3):
    for vert in me.vertices:
        new_location = vert.co
        new_location[0] = new_location[0] + random.uniform(-0.03,0.03)   #X
        new_location[1] = new_location[1] + random.uniform(-0.03,0.03)   #Y
        new_location[2] = new_location[2] + random.uniform(-0.03,0.03)   #Z
        vert.co = new_location