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Abstract awesomeness! How did you do it?
- Create letter
- Scale five times
- Convert to mesh
- Add subdivision surface modifier
- Add triangulate modifier
- Run script
- Add lighting how you like
- Render image with transparent background
- Edit in Photoshop
import bpy
import random
ob = bpy.data.objects["Text"]
me = ob.data
for i in range(0,3):
for vert in me.vertices:
new_location = vert.co
new_location[0] = new_location[0] + random.uniform(-0.03,0.03) #X
new_location[1] = new_location[1] + random.uniform(-0.03,0.03) #Y
new_location[2] = new_location[2] + random.uniform(-0.03,0.03) #Z
vert.co = new_location