Exploration Truck - Speed Design

3d-scifi-doodle aiming for practising a speed-design workflow. Total modelling time 3 hours.

After that did some experiments with different render passes - I was looking for that Daniel Simon sketch-look (who was again inspired by Doug Chiang, if I remember correctly :slightly_smiling_face: ! ). Great inspirations - I always have their books around.

The main pass is the “workbench render”, while I created some additional AO + Mask in Eevee. The compositor can put both together. To wrap it up I draw over some grunge and some panels by hand in Procreate.

Hope you like it.


This looks awesome, congrats!


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thanks, glad you like the style :+1:

Thanks Bart - always appreciated!

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