Export a nurbspath with 3D-shape as stl

Hello together,

I use blender for modeling tempering channels for plastic injection molds wich are later exportet as stl-file for simulation. For this, i create a nurbspath and use a shrinkwarp modifier with in the most cases a cylinder-like object as target. For the first concepts this workflow is way faster than to model this in CAD.

Now my question: How can i avoid an overlapping of the mesh in smal or sharp corners?

The stl Looks like this:

Sorry for my english, it is not the best.
I hope I have explained my problem somehow… :wink:


Turn on wires for the nurbs path object. (Under object properties.) That will let you see the actual mesh being generated, and thus how dense the wires are spaced. Then under nurb properties, adjust the U value(s). To pull out the “wrinkles” sometimes the U adjustments aren’t the only thing, but adjusting the path control points themselves. Usually it’s something like the U resolution being too high or control points being too close to each other.