export and import of objects


There are several possibilities:
I am blind
Its too trivial
its not possible
its only for insiders

I just cannot figure out how to use a generated object in another project. i.e. to set up a library of objects (trees, stones, faces,…) as *.blend files to integrate them later in other projects. Append seems to import always just one special property. And other way round to export one object or a group of objects to another *.blend file omitting everything else (e.g. scripts).


Menu: File->Append

Keyboard: SHIFT+F1


As I tried to state: Append dives into the properties tree and allows to select one property and not the whole object with all its properties (texture,…). What I am looking for is something equivalent to selecting an object, mark it for copying and paste it to another project.


Actually Append, if you append an object, brings in avery dependent of that object, materials, meshes, textures, etc.


Sorry, I appearently used the “wrong” object for testing, so that I did not find the right items.


I find it very useful to keep a blend file of objects with materials I like. I append all or groups of materials into my working file. It saves a lot of time.