Export camera trackers (locators) to Houdini

Hi, I’m new to Blender, but I’m a veteran with 20+ years of experience in Houdini Maya and Nuke.

I tracked a plate in Blender and now have an animated camera and tracking markers (locators).

How can I export the locators to other software such as Houdini or Nuke?

.abc and .fbx export the camera correctly, but without tracking markers.

Alternatively, how do I scatter cones, one for each locator in Blender?
I found a post about it, but it gives the same error to me too, as if the camera tracking markers changed in 4.30 compared to the time when the post was made


1 : use this option after setup tracking scene , select all markers

2 : select tracks mesh

3: add cone or any other mesh you want and this simple geometry node setup

you can change rotation , scale as you want

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Many thanks and happy new year. Confirming that the export works fine when instancing geometry.

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