Export Cloud Texture

Hi All,

I know baking/exporting procedural textures has been done to death, but I can’t find a way to specifically get my hands on the clouds texture that is available in the texture properties. I specifcally want to use this map for roughness:


Is there any way I can get that into the node editor?

I just did this a week ago for someone…
You can use the Cloud texture in Paint Mode…so add a plane…set a new texture to the size you want and use the fill mode in Paint…then in the image editor…select SAVE IMAGE…Voila- Cloud Texture as a roughness!

Take and select the texture you wish to use…enter Texture Paint Tab…
Top view your Plane…Scale up the Brush larger than the Plane…
Select Gray-Scale for the Paint…and Use STENCIL for the Mapping enlarge and move ect to have the stencil fit your Plane…and Paint over your Plane with full strength Brush using Add…In UV window select save image after compleated…


Exactly the sort of answer I was after, thank you muchly!

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