Export GLB error

Hi! I have imported an animated project and when I tried to export it gave me a pythin error , so I deleted animation , kept the model and animated it myself , thinking that this would take care of the error. It didn;t I am still getting this anyhting you suggest I do ?

This seems to be… not so informative (and i also doubt seeing the whole log would give a hint… but i could be wrong…)…


So you did all the things which are mentioned in any export to GLTF tutorials are mentioned… for example just exporting the un-animated object do work… ? So this is a problem about exporting the animation ??

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An error like that is probably going to need to be debugged by a developer of the plugin, if you can share a .blend that recreates the problem, I would file a bug at https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Blender-IO/issues.

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Yes exporting static model is fine it’s just the animation

Hi terribly sorry for my late reply will definitly send when i get my hands on it.

HI! tks @donmccurdy @Okidoki not sure how to file a debug so perhaps this can help? LInk to blender file below .here is exactly what i did
I am trying to export an animated cape that I created by attaching a plane to an animated model (mixamo) then added a cloth modifier to it.
I baked it from inside the physics property tab here

then I made sure everything in scene is selected and all animations too in timeline graph editor outliner NLA

then I exported as glb as in here