Export .stl vs. export .stl (legacy)

What’s the difference between “export .stl (legacy)” and “export .STL” ?

Like with the OBJ im/exporter… new code; some new options/features… maybe dumping the one or the other feature… ( for OBJ: AFAIK it’s not an addon anymore but directly in C ??; for STL… IDK)

Quite some exporters have been rewritten in CPP and so the STL exporter too, mainly for performance reasons. The org ones were all python based.


The reason I ask is that I like to have “export selection only” set to “True”. It used to be in the scripts/add-ons folder. But I don’t know where to change that anymore.

Well you can create a profile with your favorite settings, but yeah you still have to select that after restart/filechange again, the only way I currently see to permanently change this is via an mini addon.

Would be nicer if chosen profiles could be written to the startup file. But thats sadly not the case.