Exported model loses smoothing


Very odd issue. All my parts export fine, except for a tire. It looks like it has no smoothing. I export from Blender 3.2 in FBX format, import to Substance Painter, and I have a horrible model. I have tired EVERYTHING… Welding vertices/distance, resetting smoothing, turn smooth off, then back on… Reset Normals, Set normals to smooth, I have tried things I never heard of, like the cube trick, link to Box (join) and then delete box, with box being the primary that hte tire was joined to. I have never seen anything like it. I have tried all my tricks. Hoping someone here might know how to get this to export.

I know Blender 3.2 is running fine as I can export my plane to MSFS flight simulator and its all fine. Looks amazing in Blender, looks amazing the simulator, but in Substance, the main tires look like foil.

I did setup UV’s on the same place, withe tires (right and left) matched on top of each other, but since, I have moved the second tire UV mesh over so it wasnt stacked anymore. That didnt help.

Anyone have idea’s on how to get this to export from blender in FBX and import to Substance ok?

This is the tire in Blender 3.2. The other side in Solids viewport. Smooth and nice.

I tried exporting the other tire instead of the left side, and it exported fine. I’ll settle with that.

It would be interesting to find out why this wouldnt work on the left tire, and what the fix would be, if this happened again.


I haven’t seen you mention custom normals data. Have you checked it?

It’s a functionality that allows normals data to be stored directly on a mesh. It’s used mostly to transfer that data between 3D apps, and so a model will have custom data on it if you have imported it from a fbx/obj file. Custom normal data can also be generated if you apply a modifier that affects normals, such as the weighted normals modifier.

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Interesting. I hadnt heard of that. Many thanks, ETC249.

That tire had a mesh that had gone very bad. I tried all I knew to save it. :frowning:

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Just wanted to post my workaround for anyone else who may have a similar issue. For me, I downloaded a mesh in OBJ format that imported into 3ds Max and it lost the smoothing. It imported perfectly into blender, but on export the smoothing went back to being broken, so I imported the FBX into Unreal and exported it back out as an FBX and this fixed it. Just in case it helps anyone else.