Exported video pixelated!

Hi All,

Looking for help, plse. Video editing novice

When I export this video from Blender video editor, the sky is becoming really pixelated/blocky (wihich it doesn’t appear to be in the blend file?)! Can anyone sine any light on this plse?

Exported video is in link

Thank you

Trailer.blend (3.3 MB)

It’s probably compression artifacts. what format are you rendering to?

The mp4-format is a lossy format… it depends on the settings… if the compression is too height…

Also…what do you think someone may see in your blend file ??? It’s the video editing part… nothgin about the 3D scene or espsicll how you inserted the background in it… ( even if only unsing one Animation/0002.png -image that wasn;t packed into the file … but the stormy see sound is … and only that ???)

Hi Sterling,

Yes after much digging on the internet it seems it’s down to compression and Youtube certainly seem to do plenty of that! I rendered it to both MP4 and MOV.

I’ve now gone back to the start and rendering everything as 4K. I’m also going to add some noise/grain to the sea animation, as apparently that will prevent compression in static areas!

Does this sound like a good plan? if you can add anymore advice would be very grateful.

Thanks for taking time to reply

Hi Okidoki,

Thanks for your reply. Yes, i’m quickly learning about mp4 and compression. If you would kindly see the reply i sent to SterlingRoth and see what you think?

Many thanks and much appreciate the help

Some noise might help, but if I were you, I would render out to an image sequence, rather than rendering directly to a video format. That gives you much more control to re-encode into a video format later without needing to re-render everything. Encoding an image sequence to video is significantly faster than rendering.

Ok! I started by adding the animation as an image sequence. What should I do with it then to ‘render out to an image sequence’?


OK, think I;ve worked that bit out but how does that help with the compression when uploading to Youtube?

It won’t fix anything on youtubes end, unfortunately. Adding in some noise (aka dithering) is your best bet.

Rendering to images gives you a clean baseline that won’t have as much compression (I use .pngs for this, they are fairly free of compression artifacts). MP4 and MOV can have some compression artifacts embedded in them, and if you render direct to a compressed format, then you can’t remove those artifacts without re-rendering with changed settings for your video encoding.

OK! Thank you. Rendering to Image sequence now! I dont know much about encoding but i’ll read up!

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As already said… with image sequences someone can try some by far cheaper psotprocessing… or re-search which compression is best suited… Regarding 4K: some people render in higer resolutions and then even resize into smaller in the first run… others use more samples or different settings.

That’s why it is called art and not “just-compute”… it’s also called physical based rendereing and not p… correct r…