Exporting curves as .svg from blender 3.2

hi - I am trying to export some curves from blender 3.2 to .svg - web search pointed me to 2 add ons that sadly don’t work. (outline to svg add-on even corrupted my blender 2.9 when I tested)

is there a way to export curves from blender 3.2 as .svg?
thanks all

Hi jan8,

you can try the Bézier Utilitys.


Not tested!

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Blender Curves are 3D objects.
They can produce different 2D .svg images, according to chosen point of view.
By default, there is no explicit way to export cuvres as svg.
But, curves can be converted into Grease Pencil objects.
And, by default, there is an exporter that produces an svg corresponding to camera view of these GP objects.

You also have the ability to enable Freestyle SVG exporter addon.
It exports a Freestyle render as an SVG.

So, any renderable object can be exported as an svg.

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thank you @zeauro - makes perfect sense, I should have stated that I’m trying to write flat 2d curves.
both ways you stated were not quite working for me as one converts toon shaders and the other one looses the topology of the points and tangents - great suggestions though and amazing that it even works. thanks again for your input!

hey thanks so much !
more than i could have hoped for and blenbderbezierutilities absolutely takes the cake. does exactly what i was after and even takes the current viewer camera into account. and the export functionality is the smallest part of the tool. very cool and highly recommended !
thanks a bunch for chiming in here!

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