Exporting USDZ or Converting GLTF to USDZ for AR

I’m searching for a method to export a usdz-file for an AR application. Is there a free tool, that I can use for that task?
I’m using a windows machine and allready checked the online converter, but they are not free to use.
There is a plugin but it does not work for me.

Does anybody have experience with that task?

Hope you are doing fine these days!

I would suggest exporting to glTF, then converting with https://github.com/google/usd_from_gltf. Sketchfab also autogenerates both glTF and USDZ versions of any file you upload, so their Blender import tools might be worth trying!


You can now do it via sketchfab

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Thanks a lot.
The command line tool looks promising. But I don’t know how to build USD, to be honestly. Seems to be complicated.
The Sketchfab Hack is for Pro Users only as far as I know. But good to know. Like Sketchfab a lot.

BTW: Found out that Substance Painter also supports usd export. That’s the easiest way for me right now.
The drawback is that I can’t preview the result on windows. Is there a way to view the files on windows?

Yeah… that looks quite daunting as an install. Can anyone provide an idiots guide for it? What level of training do I need to be able to do it right? A Comp Sci degree or a Udemy course?

edit: Currently I’m erring on the side of Comp Sci degree

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Sketchfab would certainly be easier to use, I’d start with that. Something like https://rapidcompact.com/ would also be an option if you don’t mind spending money to solve the problem.

You don’t need a Comp Sci degree for usd_from_gltf, but familiarity with a commandline would be necessary. Something like https://launchschool.com/books/command_line might be enough, but installation could easily take a few hours.

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Thanks Don. I would have to find a Windows alternative. I would have to agree with Christopher that it seems complicated, to say the least (it’s involved, for sure).

I did try ViewAR, but it wasn’t a pleasant experience at all. Highly unintuitive, slow, and then it was tough to debug results that didn’t look correct. Which is similar with the existing USDZ add-on, as great as it is.

I would need literal screenshots I think for every step - some parts are too vague, such as:

Download usd_from_gltf source to {UFG_SRC}. I think the fact that the first step is a link to another complicated 10 steps, building USD, makes it more of an uphill struggle :cry:

I can write some lines of python for Rhinoceros 3D, but this is much more foreign. Anyway, I digress, don’t wish to go off topic. If anyone can provide clearer steps for a guy in need, that would be great! I will try RapidCompact too. Until then, +1 from me for a more intuitive export from Blender of USDZ.

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Sorry, yeah, I don’t know of any easier way to convert things to USDZ, other than online services. :confused:

Thanks Don.

Check out Jimmy Gunawan. He’s doing some really good stuff. I was aware some time ago that Apple had ‘some’ form of monopoly on AR content, but that seems just to extend to getting out the USDZ format. The conversion from Blender seems effortless on Mac.

Let’s see if there are others in the community looking to do the same thing.

Where else do you think would be suitable to post improved USDZ export for Windows?

Hi Christopher,
If for any reason you don’t want to use substance painter anymore I’ve recently tried with Sketchfab and it worked perfectly. You don’t need the Pro version, you can upload/download as much as you want! The only caveat is that you have to set it as free to download and allow texture inspection (otherwise you just have 1 upload per month). If you don’t want to keep the model free for everyone to download just delete it straight after.

I didn’t test a lot of textures and stuff but since you can edit also the model in sketchfab I believe it works, with the limitations of the .usdz of course.

Hi Jonathan

As I wrote in another reply I would go for Sketchfab, it still seems the best free way to do it. Just upload the gltf/glb file or blend and download it in usdz. The caveat is the fact of setting the model to be public and free to download, otherwise you have just 1 upload per month with the free version. Then you can delete it if you don’t want to leave it as free asset on the web.
(I felt the need to reply to you as well because this whole conversion issue for people on Win is very annoying. Since it worked for me only with this method is important to share it and hope for the future ahahah)

I hope it helps


As an additional option for Windows users, Quixel Bridge exports USDZ.

Hope it helps.

Check simlab 3d composer. They have lot of import / export options including usdz export. I’ve tried before.

I’ve tried simlab, but I find their software’s quite clunky. I now had access to Verge 3D, and I’m hoping they might offer USDZ.

so sad that there is no easy USDZ import - It is the export format for Apples new build in 3D Photogrammetry