
My Attempt at recreating the Light from another Artwork.
Having an old laptop, eevee has been really fiddly to use, but so far, I’ve found some
methods that work for me. Albeit with some baking.

The Final Render

Scene Setup

Artwork by Julien Kasper, whose Lighting I was trying to recreate

Lots of credit to Christoph (The Stoff) Schoch on Artstation, for letting me use his model.



I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Wow thanks so much for the feature. I really appreciate it.

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

Very nice! I see a glowing shape, I upvote! :slight_smile:

Nice work. I always find it amazing how simple “things” really add to a subject. Your charitors look really good, but by adding a simple circle and glow, just tops it off and make the image as a whole really stand out.

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