I am trying to achieve HDRI Lighting in blender cycles. I am using the newest version, 64bit with a GTX 750TI, also tried CPU Rendering. But I have no luck, the sky is always pink. I know this color normally occurs when there is a missing image or wrong file path (the same in the end). But either is the case.
I also tried blender 2.71, same error. Blender 2.74 not working too. Whats wrong? I have windows 10 64bit, everyting else in blender is just working fine - if i take a jpg image as environment everything works fine. Problem is EXR file type…
Are you sure the image is being used ? In a blender image editor window can you view the texture. If not, it’s not there. Try reselecting it or check for missing data (File / External Data menu).
I downloaded that file and the blend file consists of a cube with a environment map (works correctly), not the scene you show in your screenshot.
have you tried packing the .exr in the blend file (File / External Data menu)
Supply a link to your blend file.