I’m trying to render out my animation as OpenEXR Multilayer files. But for some reason, the passes saved in the EXR file don’t seem to be the same ones in my file output node when rendering animation only.
This is my file output node in the compositor:
And this is my viewer layer node sending layers into the file output:
Now when I render just one frame, I seem to get the proper passes from my File output node. Below is what I see when I render one frame (I’m using Nuke to comp so it’s a screenshot from Nuke):
But when I render an animation sequence, All my File output node passes disappear, and I get the view layer passes instead. Picture below:
I’ve enabled Compositing and Sequencer in the Post Processing panel in output properties, and also have Use nodes above the compositor enabled. Would love to get a solution to know why things are going wrong when I render animation if someone knows the answer. Thanks!