Realized with Blender 2.76
Samples: 2000
Nice shot,the trees are a geometry or a backdrop?, i like the water,something wrong in the lighting?Its an hdri?
Hi marcoso, yes are backdrop, good, Is it bad the lighting?..Yes hdri
“Bad”? not sure it is the right word, since the realism is convincing.
I think the issue is, it is an unusual choice for a photographer to shoot the object against the light.
Is the house the main object of the photograph? Then yes, I would say it is a bad shot for an architectural magazine, for example.
The water in the foreground is great!
(Is the water the thing? then great shot)
I would like to know how you modeled that and what material setup you used.
I have to try hdri. It’s doing interesting stuff on the building parapet.
May I ask how old you are ? If you are the boy in the avatar, congradulations and keep working.
Hello csimeon, thank you for your contribution, I am 19 years old, do not believe that it has problem, maybe it wanted to do a reflection of a tree and for it is reason can seem something unlikely of light but the house is small to show the complete reflection and does not understand itself well
Your setup is not HDRI. HDRI is a complete world material applied to a dome world - not any object. You have mapped images on two curved objects to simulate the backdrop. I think it is similar to HDRI because the photos are(?) also emitters. Are they?
Is that a sun lamp to the left in the picture above? is it your only lamp, for ambient light level? It’s not casting shadows in that direction and that is a good thing because the render overall shows a house that is back-lit not front-lit. Whatever you’ve done with that works in the render.
Maybe turn on a light in the house? For example here is a photo
Even in this very simple photo, my point is lights can be very dramatic in a “shady/dark” environment.
The reflections in the pool are very nice.
All this at 19 ! certainly not a problem, I wish I were.
There is a backdrop and also The hdri applied to the environment is, thank you very much for your contributions, I think that I will return to do the render and am going to improve it a bit, If, certainly they are issuing. :yes:
In my opinion you are covering to much light from the camera side. The house front should be lit better. To me it looks like you are using backdrops behind the camera to get some realistic shadows on the house, right? Increase the distance of them, so the shadows are still there, but they dont darken the whole front of your main object. The other thing that detracts me from your house: the pavement across the water. In my opinion, these two lines (the borders of your pavement) are guiding my view directly to your backdrops and everything thats behind the house. I would change the camera position, because the house is the object to focus on.
Thank you for your opinion, yes, it is for turn more realistic. I will remove a bit and I am going to focus the house,Thanks
Yep. Look at the photo csimeon posted earlier on. That is a perfect example for borders which guide you to the main object. At first sight you only recognize the pool and the terrace with the sunlounger. Because the lines of the pool guide you to the terrace. I would keep the camera at its place and instead move the house closer to the pavement. Also think about opening the door ahead of the living room - I think this could be another inviting aspect in this picture.