extract a shape using object

lets say i have modeled an object, lets call it A, and now i want another object to stack on top of it and also make it fit perfectly together. the top of my A object and the bottom of my B object. the surface of object A has different things sticking up from it and i want the bottom of my B object to slide down over this so it makes a plain surface when combined. is there a way to “copy” the surface of object A and then fill in the holes so it becomes the bottom of object B. i mean, it must be so that where the A points out the B points inwards into object. also where object A has holes the B object must be solid… thus making them join completely when put on top of eachother. i have tryed boolean but that only leaves me with a mold of object A, and it is not so much a copy af surface im looking for more like the opposit…
hope this makes sense, hard to explain in another language than native:)

Even though you have tried to explain what you want, you have failed with this jbberish, show us what you are talking about.

Clear annotated screenshots and an example .blend file as the very minimum


Is this what You want to do…See picture.

Then go edit select the button…Copy = Shift + a - z to drag it up…Then press - p - to separate it - select - selection.
Go back to object mode…It will fit to the button…:slight_smile:

You should size one of them just a little bit.

If this don’t help…upload Your blend or some picture of Your model…It’s hard to help without more info.

Welcome to the forum…Puff Puff



Not excactly, if i have the bottom object with the Pillars going up and want it so that the top is flipped so the Pillars on that go Downwards and fill the space between the Pillars in the bottom object, how Would i do that. Also the bottom object has holes in the surface that the upside Down Pillars Would fit into.
is that a boolean? I cant Seem to get other result than a copy of my A object…

Using boolean i get the shape inside of the box. Like a hole. I want the box to shrink so that it is complete tight around the hole shape so i get like a Thin glove around object A . And if We use the hand and glove for example, object B Would be the glove with Holes that fit tight around the fingers but is a solid object with fingerholes, no air between fingerholes… I am really sorry for the bad explenations, hard to translate into blender english:)

Man follow Richard advice upload image of what you want, may be a video, it is really hard to follow your explanation.

wild guess, if you’re just after a finger-less glove on a hand type effect, here is one possible solution,

make the hand/inner/smaller --shape(a),
select the verts on shape “a” where you want the glove fitting around/above-- shape(b)
shift-d to duplicate selected verts(could also be faces/edges etc)
P to part(makes these verts into separate mesh)
E to extrude,
Alt-shift to scale alone normal,
Done. tight fitting larger object conforming to the shape of the underlying object.

This fits you last explanation but not your first,

Please do as suggested above and post some drawings of what you want, otherwise any suggestion we give allows you to use negative language and put down our abilities and Blenders abilities, which of late is becoming a pattern with new posters here and at other forums.