Extract geometry node point location outside geo nodes?

Hi, I am trying to instance a particle emitter in geometry nodes (or a work around), but when doing so, the particles themselves are affected by any transforms on the emitting object.

Is there a way to extract the location of a point from geometry nodes and use this to drive the location of a particle emitter?

Below comparison a moving particle system (Green) vs one instanced in geometry nodes and then transformed (Orange)
As you can see, the orange particles fall straight down relative to the emitter. The green ones fall relative to their start position.

Maybe it’s time to learn simulation nodes?


The only workaround I know of is to create a triangle and parent your emitter to that and then animate that with GN:

It’s always time!

Good luck!

Thanks for the reply, but I need to bundle this into another GN group so doesn’t look like the trick will work.

To the sim nodes tutorials I go!
