i want to convert a hdr image to multiple images(png) at interval of one exposure.i can use Hdrshop to do it manually,is it possible to do this automatically.i want to use Enfuse to tonemap the extracted images.
Create a simple blender comp script that reads the hdr image from relative path (same as blend file) and does a time sweep over different exposures so that for every frame you write a png image with different exposure clip. One exposure step is multiply with 2, so add a Mix node with Multiply operation and animate the multiply value so that you get different exposure for every frame.
Now if you create a few directories where the image has the same name as in comp script you can batch render the blend files and get the exposure sweeps for different hdr images.
Something like this. Here the multiply is done conveniently throudh a power function so that value input is the relative exposure, which is animated from -10 to +10 on frames 1-21:
hi kesonmis,
thank you very much,that works great!.for now i am trying single images.i don’t know script writing-i have to learn.