Extraterrestrial dog

So… This is one of my latest project

The texture of the dog is made with gimp. All other is blender internal. For the sky I used M@dcow´s moonscape
Rendered with Ambiente Occulusion and the glow sequenzer Plug-in

The image is still work in progress


cool. I like those rocks too.

Very interesting style :slight_smile:

Even if it’s simple, I find the modeling pleasant and somewhat Pixar-like (hum… I think I recogn these eyes :wink: )

My only criticism will be about the seam between the ground and the rocks: perhaps should you use the Drop-to-Ground script from Harkyman and place some small rocks all round the scene. (yeah, I know it’s a WIP)

hmmm. Last thought: shouldn’t the three eyes be more targeting more directly to the bunch of grass? It detracts to the composition…

I like this work and hope to see an update very soon :wink:

Thanks for answers :smiley:

Eyes? Pixar-like? Never :wink: … Okay, okay I admit: The eyes are made with the blenderchar tutorial :slight_smile: %|

I don´t know the Drop to Ground Skript… I will try it

really like it! what else are u thinking of adding? maybe a flying saucer

Great Idea… :smiley:

I think i will try tomorrow to sculpt a cartoon flying soucer for my Dog. Maybe a dog lash from the dog to the ship :slight_smile:

I like it. Very original. I would move his front legs fruther back though, they seem to be growing right out of his chin. But then again maybe that’s just the way it is with this species :slight_smile:
The background is nice too. Love the sky.

Thanks :smiley:

Here is an update:

Maybe I will setup bones… than I can better change the poses

Here are some tests with fiber hair:

:smiley: Really funy, reminds me of some dog I saw for real… this version also has a lot of character, but the extra-terrestial part is hidden along with the details of your modelling…


It was better without fur. But if you want to add it make it short.

I think don´t use the hair further… I wanted to test how it seems, but nobody can see the modell well then… :expressionless: :wink:

So I let the hair out… But at least I know now how fiber works :slight_smile:



very nice. Are the flares internal to Blender, or are they post-processed with an image manipulator?

My only criticism: at this angle of view, the theeth don’t work well with the model… Everything else is way cool and has lot of character. 8)


Thank for criticizm
The flare is made with gimp. I don´t like the blenderflares. Can I change the colors from the flare (not the rootflare)??

Well, i now have improved the light and the stone textures


if the flare comes from the background, shouldn’t the main soruce light also come from the background? It’s seems illogical then that saturated yellowish light comes from behind the camera… I think it doesn’t “work” well…


Well hmmm yes thats right :expressionless:

Maybe the planet have two suns :smiley:

Shame the hair didn’t work out, I thought it was hilarious. Great work

Maybe just some random clumps of fur would be a nice touch, it might look funny in a good way. Inadvertently may add a bit of realism to the creature as well, considering it’s environment doesn’t seem to have much of an atmosphere.

How is this? :smiley:

Complete new lighting (again) an some new stones.
In the rune writting left are hidden the blenderlogo and the word D@rkmoon :wink:
