Extreme PBR help

Trying to apply this painted metal pbr to my text. Is there a magical setting to do this?

I don’t know this addon but I guess there’s something wrong with Texture coordinates, for example it’s set to UV but the text has no UV map.
In case, assign to something different than UV or UV Unwrap the model after conversion to mesh.

The addon just downloads free assets from cc0textures and texturehaven and adds them in a standard node tree. You still have to unwrap the model.

These tutorials are pretty good to get you started:

Thanks, just installed the app, you would think if it could create a big node tree it would unwrap automatically, oh well. This is where I’m at, not sure what to do next.

If you can’t be bothered UV unwrapping the object, you could just try changing the connection of the very first node to Generated or Object instead of UV