extrude along object in Blender 2.75a // bug, or am I doing it wrong?

Hi guys 'n gals,

I have a little problem with a model I’m doing. I’ve made a shape, and I want to extrude it along a path/curve. Normally I would make a curve, and select the shape in the curve options to extrude it. But in Blender 2.75a I can’t select any shapes. The selection box is just…grey, with no objects to select. Is this a (known) bug, or am I doing something wrong?

Normally I would make a curve, and select the shape in the curve options to extrude it. But in Blender 2.75a I can’t select any shapes. The selection box is just…grey, with no objects to select. Is this a (known) bug, or am I doing something wrong?
The functionality has not changed in 2.75a. If you want to use a curve bevel object, that bevel object has to also be a curve object (as indicated in its tooltip)

Yeah, I know the process. But this is what I get…


So is your bevel object a curve ? Supply a blend file for review

Here you go. I’ve deleted all the rest. Basically, the “profiel” object should be the one I’m trying to extrude.


cursedcurves.blend (486 KB)

As I said before (and as the tooltip I showed tells you), the object you want to extrude needs to be a curve, you have used a mesh object.

You will need to convert it from a mesh to a curve from the Object / Convert menu

Ah, I thought you were referring to the curve. Thanks a lot!