Hi, I am very new in 3d trying to learn blender and following tutorials in which person is using 2.79. But I am using 2.8.
So, the problem is I am trying to “Extrude along Normals” in blender 2.8 but it is not working fine as you can see it is not extruding the faces along their normal. THanks
I did my fair share of research before posting here and yes its selected to median point and the above result is with median point selected. anything else for me try and thanks for your kind response.
I made a cylinder (shift+a>mesh>cylinder)
I went into edit mode(tab,6)
I set face subobject mode (3)
Select top and bottom faces (lmb)
outset faces (i,o)
select the new rings (alt+lmb, shift+alt+lmb)
enabled extrude along normal active tool:
Nah, i don’t know why he told you to do that. It will just confuse people who are new to modeling. You can create loops with ctrl+r or use “loop cut” active tool. And you should be able to extrude along normals without any problems as well. There is 2 ways.
using active tools (left tool panel)- just select faces you need to extrude and hold drag the mouse with extrude along normals tool active.
Use hotkeys. Select face loops you want to extrude. Press alt+e > select “extrude faces along normals” and drag your mouse.
And there is no right or wrong ways. There is many ways. Outset faces (i,o) is just inset tool with “outset” option enabled, he used it to create 2 edge loops, top and bottom. But there is “loop cut” operation (“ctrl+r” hotkey or “loop cut” active tool i mentioned above, they are both the same) and it was created specifically to add edge loops. So i suggest you to use this until you understand how all of them work. It doesn’t matter how you create your geometry, you can extrude any face.