
Hi I’m new here and was hoping to find some solutions:

I want to extrude several parts of this door to work a little faster.
But there are diagonal parts and I can’t seem to select or find some tool to do the trick.
Is there some sort way to draw on the image and then extrude the parts?
Or is there another way?

hello, it’s not very clear why you can’t extrude some parts, could you please show some screenshot of the wireframe so that we understand the problem?

Thx for the reply
I just want to extrude these 3 individual parts.
Door red
Top green
Sides blue

I’ve looked at various tutorials but can’t seem to find one where they extrude diagonal lines.
I thought abaut subdeviding the entire door and move individual vertexes but that directely distorts my texture.
How do I procede best.

Here is the printscreen

And here you got the result
Is there a way to draw some vertical lines (sort of lasso tool) and then extrude?

So this is actually an image and not real 3D? Yes you can unsubdivide this plane with a X > Limited Dissolve, and use the knife to follow the shapes and extrude (if I understand correctly what you want)

Maybe follow this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/user/sh2708mf/about

Thanks it works wonderful
