Viewport in Blender
Eye close up render I made for a contest with the Theme “Macro”. All done in blender with textures from, hope you like it!
Fantastic. What are those little particles? Fluid? Can’t identify them in the render, which is good!
On Facebook, you’d now read “TUTORIAL”!
Haha, thanks! Yes, they are small fluid drops to give some highlights in the render and make it look a bit wet. Also I think some of the small drops are actually not seen in the render, because the displacement on the skin is relatively strong. And maybe I’ll actually make a tutorial, sounds fun!
I’d indeed love to see how you did this. I missed so much on those techniques, I wanna kick myself! But a tut is a lot of work, so I’m in no place to ask for that.
It’s just that people with skills so low they don’t even remotely grasp the scope of such a thing always ask for tutorials
Great work, congrats.
Thank you!
I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!
Thanks a lot Bart! Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend too!
Interesting and innovative. I only think a little dark w/ the background. are you compositing in the black back?
The amount of details is insane!
Looks great
Thank you!