Eyes growing in a tree. Please comment and criticize.
and cute at the same time
Work on lighting at the moment it feels a little bit to flat.
Some errors like visible seams, leaf plane intersecting a branch, tree trunk too straight. But the textures of the tree is used rather well and the concept is interestingly surrealistic. Keep working on this, it could make a very great surrealistic image.
Give the leaves more geometry, so they don’t look so flat.
Thanks for the feedback! I tried to learn from your criticism and made a new rendering:
Added roundness and geometry to the leaves, tried to deepen the lighting, made the trunk less straight and fixed most of the intersecting leaf planes. What do you think, is this project going in the right direction and how can I improve it?
Hmmm. Here would be my suggestions:
Less eyes. Three would be a great number. The focus here is the eyes, but there are just too many. Maybe place two eyes close together and place them close to center in the front. The other eye would be at the back a shaded so as not to attract attention.
Portrait orientation. This kind of image has a very strong vertical movement (from the trunk) so it is better for the shape of the picture to harmonize with it.
Smoother transition of skin and bark texture. There is a clear and sharp delineation between two textures in the stalk. Use a texture to make them mix smoothly.
Make the eyes look at different directions. All the eyes are just looking straight ahead. Make some look up, or down or sideways and for more creepy effect directly at the viewers.
You can make the fruit surrounded by a clump of leaves. Greater effect as the vegetative nature of the leaves clashes with the fleshy nature of the eyes. Also, contrast and framing. The leaves are darker and the eyes light so the eyes would stand out more.